
Hornil StylePix provides two methods to uninstall the program.

Removing Hornil StylePix using the included Uninstaller

  1. Go to the Programs menu by clicking the Windows Start button and select Uninstall Hornil StylePix.
  2. Click the Yes button to start removing the program.

Uninstallation using the 'Add or Remove Programs' of the Windows Control Panel

  1. From the Start menu in Windows select 'Add or Remove Programs' in the Control Panel.
  2. Click the Yes button to start removing the program.
  3. From the list of added programs find StylePix and click the 'Change/Remove' button to start the StylePix Uninstaller. For further instructions please refer to the sections.
  • Sometimes user preference file or other miniscule files may remain after removing the Hornil StylePix. To resolve such issue simply delete the files in C:\Program Files\Hornil\StylePix, C:\Program Files\Hornil\StylePixPro
  • The uninstall process can vary on each Windows versions.