Select And Move

The arrow on the Tools panel is called the Select And Move tool. Select And Move tool is allows you to select objects(image, text, path and shapes) and to work with an object using its bounding box.

To start the Select And Move tool

  • Choose Edit > Tool > Select And Move from the menu.
  • Click the icon in the tools panel.
  • Press the S key.

If you want to move an object, you would select the object and drag your object around your canvas.


  • Select an object

    To select an object, click on the object you want to select. The below sample image shows the triangle object is slected.

    You can also select an object by layer selecting in hierachy.

    A. Layer Select
  • Select multiple objects

    To select multiple object, hold down Shift or Ctrl key while you click each object. but when the using Ctrl key, if the selected object is selected one more time, it is unselected.

  • Select Objects in a Group

    If you have grouped objects, the Select And Move tool will allow you to choose only one object within that group while the Selection Tool would choose the whole group.

  • Select Picture

    B. Scene Select
  • Select Region Selections


  • To deselect all of the objects, click anyplace but on the objects.
  • To deselect one object at a time, hold down Shift key and click the object.


  • Moving Objects

    The selected objects are moved by keyboard.

    • To move 1 pixel, press arrow key.
    • to move 10 pixels, press arraow key with Shift key.

    Movding Region Selections

    If the selecting region is existed, You can move the selecting region by Ctrl Drag or Ctrl + Alt Drag. For more details, see next paragraphe.

    • Ctrl Drag

      Ctrl Drag works like Cut and Paste.

      Moving a selection and its content, emptying the original place
    • Ctrl + Alt Drag

      Ctrl + Alt Drag works like Copy and Paste.

      Moving a selection and its content without emptying the original place