Opening Images

You can open as many files into StylePix as the currently available RAM and scratch disk space on your computer allow.

Opening the existing images

To open images from the built-in browser

  1. Click the Browse Images tool on the Edit Tools ( Shift + O ).
  2. Locate the file you wish to open in list window below.
  3. Double-click the image file icon or drag and drop a file onto the StylePix.

To open images from Common Open Dialog

  1. Click the File > Open... ( Ctrl + O ) or click the icon on the Main tools.
  2. Locate the file you wish to open.
  3. Double-click the image file icon to open it or click the Open button.

Opening the image from clipboard or device

You can open an image from the clipboard or other device such as scanner or camera. If the clipboard is empty or device is not existed, the command is disabled.

Opening the image from clipboard

  • Click the File > Open From > Clipboard ( Ctrl + Shift + V ).
  • Drag and drop a file onto the StylePix to open the file.
  • Drag an image into an open StylePix image to add dropped file as a new layer, or set of layers, to the already open image.