
Edit Tools

  1. Browse Images Tool

    The Browse Images lets you easily explore the images before open an image. Also you can open, copy, delete, and rename the images or directories with Browse Images tool.

  2. Select And Move Tool

    The black arrow on the Tools panel is called the Select And Move tool. Select And Move tool is allows you to select objects (image, text, path and shapes) and to work with an object using its bounding box.

  3. Select Tool
    • Select Auto Region Tool

      The auto region Tool allows you to select areas based on similar shades of color. To use the auto region Tool, you simply point and click the color you want to select in the active layer.

    • Shape Region Tool

      The shape region tool consists of the rectangular region tool and the elliptical region tool. These tools are used to make rectangular and elliptical selections of the active layer.

    • Lasso Tool

      The lasso tool consists of the Freehand Lasso Tool and the Polygonal Lasso Tool. These tools are used to make free-hand and polygonal selections of the active layer.

  4. Measure Tool
    • Color Dropper Tool

      The Color Dropper tool is used to select a color on the canvas. The selected color is used for change the foreground color.

    • Ruler Tool

  5. Transform Tool

    The Transform tool allows you to transform the selecting region. It is only enabled when the region selection is existed. When the Transform tool is activated, you can rotate and resize it.

  6. Crop Tool

    The crop tool allows you to select an area of an image and discard everything outside this area.

  7. Brush Tool

    The Brush tool allows you to draw a picture on the layer.

  8. Eraser Tool

    The Eraser allows you to remove areas of color from the current layer or from a selection of the layer. Basically, the eraser supports transparency on layer but the does not support transparency on background layer.

  9. Clone Brush Tool

    The Clone Brush tool allows you to fill the area with the duplicated image.

  10. Spray Tool

    The Spray tool is similar to airbrush that spray paint continuously.

  11. Flood Fill Tool

    The Flood Fill tool allows you to fill the area with the foreground color.

  12. Gradation Fill Tool

    The gradation fill tool fills an area of an image based on gradation.

  13. Restore Tool
    • Remove Scratch Tool
    • Remove Red eye Tool

    The restore tool allows you to restore an image that has scratch or red eye etc.

  14. Enhance Tool
    • Burn Tool
    • Dodge Tool
    • Blur Tool
    • Sharpen Tool
    • Desaturate Tool
    • Saturate Tool
    • Smudge Tool

    The enhance tool allows you to enhance an image based on darken, dodge, blur and sharpen tools.

  15. Path Tool

    The Path tool allows you to insert path object in the canvas. The path is consisted of points and line that connects the points.

  16. Draw Line Tool

    The Draw Line tool allows you to draw a line or curve.

  17. Draw Shape Tool

  18. Text Tool

    The Text tool allows you to insert the text object in the canvas. The text in a text object can be modified at any time.

  19. Filter List

    Hornil StylePix supports 30 kinds of practical image filter. The Filter List shows the list of the filters that is available in StylePix. For more details about filter, see the filters.

  20. Style Tool
    • Style Tool
    • Make Frame Tool
  21. Zoom Tool
  22. Foreground Color
  23. Default Color
  24. Change Color
  25. Background Color
  26. Quick Mask Mode

Main Tools

  1. New Image
  2. Open
  3. Save
  4. Print
  5. Slideshow
  6. Previous File, Next File
  7. Delete File
  8. Batch Processing
  9. Cut, Copy, Paste
  10. Undo, Redo
  11. Show or Hide Tool Options

View Tools

  1. Zoom Rate
  2. Zoom In, Zoom Out
  3. Window Fit, Actual Size, Full Size
  4. Ruler
  5. Grid
  6. Guide

Transform Tools

  1. Crop Selection
  2. Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Rotate Left, Rotate Right, Rotate 180 degree
  3. Bring to Front, Bring to Back, Bring to Top, Bring to Bottom
  4. Align Left, Align Horizontal Center, Align Right, Align Top, Align Vertical Center, Align Bottom, Align Center
  5. Horizontally space, Vertically space
  6. Make same width, Make same height, Make same size